Choose The Smashing ‘All You Can Eat Buffet’ In The Best Way Possible

Dining at ‘All you can eat’ restaurants are always fun. We get to savor on so many dishes. But most of us don’t always eat the money’s worth? We’ve tried starving through the day or drinking less water through the meal hoping it would help us to eat more? Did it work? Of course not!

Choose a good restaurant:

The first part is finding a restaurant with a great deal. Decide on what cuisine you like to have and shortlist the options. Restaurants with varied cuisine work great. If you’d like to combine casino and buffet, you can find cool casino buffet deals at Angel of the Winds casino resort.

The resort is famous among locals and tourists alike for its extensive buffet menu. Check out their website for different packages available. Look out for their Chef’s Choice buffet which is truly a delight to the taste buds.

How to dominate the buffet?


  • Don’t arrive hungry: This is something many of us are guilty of doing. Eating a light fiber-rich meal will prevent your stomach from cramping up. You’ll be able to eat better that way.
  • Wear comfortable clothes: Though a pair of jeans may be your go-to outfit for a casual day out, it is better to stay away from them when you are about to gorge on a buffet. You’ll find it hard to breathe in wearing them after having food.
  • Mild workout: Don’t skip on your daily dose of workout. Exercise keeps your blood pumping and boosts metabolism.
  • Stay hydrated: Keep sipping water all through the day to prepare your stomach. Lemon-infused water works even better. It helps with digestion, serves as a heartburn-preventative and reduces bloating.

During buffet:

  • Start with soup: You think it’s not worth using up your stomach space in soup? It’s the opposite. Soups prepare your body to take in more food.
  • Try expensive options first: Go around and stuff our plates with dishes that have expensive ingredients like prawns, salmon or meat joints. Turn your attention to protein rather than carbs.

  • Have small portions of everything: Don’t load your plate with your favorite dish. Instead have a little of everything. You may find a new favorite! Tasting different varieties let you eat more. You can come back for second servings too.
  • Pace yourself: Walk around a bit to avoid feeling over-stuffed. Take a small break and eat slowly. Slow eating has many benefits.

Sit back and relax your meal. Unwind the day with peppermint tea to aid digestion and reduce bloating.

Dane Faron

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